Forums - Alpha 2: custom combos Ryu and Dan Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Alpha 2: custom combos Ryu and Dan ( Posted by Truedragon on 05:27:2001 06:19 PM: Alpha 2: custom combos Ryu and Dan Well with MWC coming up I want to get some practice on all the games I can(a2 being one of them). I use Ryu and Dan(I use dan for the heck of it). So to the point what are the most damaging anti-air and chips cc's for these two characters. Thanx. Posted by Truedragon on 05:27:2001 07:56 PM: Oh I have a couple more q's, what is Ryu's most damaging cc off a cc) And is it possible to fake fireball with ryu, then dp if the opponent jumps on reaction of the fake fireball? Meaning fake fb, opponent jumps toward you, jab dp, then when they get up valle cc I just learned what a Valle cc was so bear with me. Posted by Bastion on 05:27:2001 08:24 PM: What is a Valle CC? Posted by Truedragon on 05:27:2001 08:33 PM: Check the thread by nos called alpha 2 questions, then check omni's post near the end he explains it extremely well, better than I could. Posted by Nos99 on 05:28:2001 12:45 AM: Some suggestions.. Ryu --- Anti-air - DP of course.. preferabbly a deep jab DP. Otherwise you can try close d.fierce (not as deep as a jab DP though.. don't wait until the last second). CCs - d.roundhouse > roundhouse hurricane kick > repeated deep jab DPs (this is a basic CC that will work with just any shoto) - (anti-air) s.strong (or d.strong) > hurricane > DPs.. Dan --- Anti-air - close d.fierce.. His DP is AWFUL. You might luck into a shiny DP, or even a clean hit occasionally, but the risk is just too great IMO. As with Ryu's, don't wait until the last second. Even if you trade hits, at least you managed to knock them away.. CCs - same as Ryu but replace the hurricane for a gale kick. You can try just repeated Gale kicks if you want though.. Try to end it with a gale kick anyhow because it will keep juggling even when CC is over. I don't know if these are the BEST CCs you can do, but they should work.. Try experimenting to see exactly what you can fit in for each lvl of meter to maximize your damage. About the fake FB thing.. yes you can fake then DP when they jump, then laugh. Don't try this too much though (well, unless if it works of course) because I haven't found this to be a very strong tactic at all. Good luck. Posted by Truedragon on 05:28:2001 03:34 AM: Thanx nos by anti-air I meant anti-air cc, but they are really useless now because of the valle cc, just dp and valle cc when they get up. I'm thinking the fake fireball could work pretty well if you play a fireball game, meaning staying in sweep/c.forward range and poking with or c.forward(if forward hits hp fireball=knockdown=valle cc-yes I've already put it into my gameplay) Then occaisonally throw a fierce fireball, usually they won't be ready to jump, then you can try a fake fb maybe they'll jump and you can dp(that's why I asked) then you can valle cc. Or if they don't jump I doubt they'll punish you if you use it wisely(unless they can hurt you after the move, how much lag does it have?) they'll be mentally ready to block and you can continue poking with You could go for a throw, by quickly getting up from crouch postition and going for the throw if you're close enough then valle cc, or if you have no meter come back in sweep range etc. I'm also practicing moving, w/out standing for more than one second consectutively crouch,move forward, quickly crouch again etc. So does this seem like a sound strat? Thanx again. Posted by Nos99 on 05:28:2001 08:08 AM: Well, I'll tell you one thing.. Valle CC is not UNSTOPPABLE. It's great tactic, but I don't think you'll be able to use it the way you're describing. Anti-air, then walk up and Valle CC? The main thing behind the "Valle CC" is that it stops them from blocking low if they were standing when CC was activated. If you knock them down, then try to walk up and Valle CC them as they get up they can just block down-back when they get up and simply block your CC.. and there goes your precious meter. Or they could block then AC. Or even Reversal your CC. About the fake FB.. If you can get it to work, then go for it. However, I wouldn't expect it to work for long. The main reason though is that it's CC bait. CC's are the PERFECT counter attack weapon for whiffs/during delay. They freeze everything, make your attacks practically instant, and rush you forward towards your opponent. At least if you poke with a normal/etc it has the chance of hitting the CC.. The fake FB can't even do that.. it will always whiff. (as for how much lag does it have? It's ALL lag. ) And if they're looking for it you can expect to pay. I suppose you could put it in combos though to throw off your opponent if you want to mess around.. But I consider it mainly a show off move. A2 is a game where you DON'T want to whiffing anything that has much delay at all because if they react with CC, you're in for a world of hurt. Example, you whiff a sweep.. Your opponent can react with CC. You block a Rose drill (even if it's the very tip), you can retaliate afterwards with CC. you block a close FB.. you can react with CC. If Gief does a lariat from afar, bust CC and zip in for the kill. stuff like that. In fact, i think this is one of the best use for CC. Valle is good, but people adapt to it and stop leaving their feet open so much once they learn about it. The standing-crouching adavce thing is a good start yes.. you can't just walk about freely in A2 if the opponent has meter (unless you want to test your anti-CC tactics ) You can walk, but be wary and know the distances of your opponent's CC. Just try to not get with your pants down. I look at it this way.. When I watch A2 match-up, it almost looks like every character is a charge character.. ^_^ Here are the basic things you should learn... CC - Learn how to effectively abuse your CC. Watch for moves so you can react with CC if they whiff or are blocked (sakura's d.strong can be countered even if it hits). You can drop through dragon punches and stuff with CC even (try holding down when you land so you don't run underneath them). If you(or them) airblock air-to-air you can CC if you land first which will "freeze" them midair so you can hit them. The higher the lvl, the more invincibility.. You can Zip through projectiles with ease at lvl3. etc. AC - Alpha counters are strong in this game. Just do it.. (unless they know and try to counter) Usually use the kick one unless they're in the air/you need the DP priority. Be careful with the punch AC though.. It doesn't have that much horizontal range, and if they do their jump-in deep enough they can land first and block/counter. CCs and ACs rule this game IMO. Abuse them the best that you can.. They both need meter, so always try to keep a nice bit of meter going. Posted by Truedragon on 05:28:2001 02:55 PM: I thought the valle cc worked off knockdowns/sweeps. Like when they're getting up, you cc and they freeze standing then you can c.rh and cc them right, that's what it seemed like how omni wrote it. Posted by Shuzer on 05:28:2001 03:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Truedragon I thought the valle cc worked off knockdowns/sweeps. Like when they're getting up, you cc and they freeze standing then you can c.rh and cc them right, that's what it seemed like how omni wrote it. Incorrect. What the Valle CC does is catch them while they're standing. During the CC startup, if they are not crouch blocking, then you have a good chance of connecting with a sweep, which leads to big CC damage. This can be countered though, either by a counter CC or a DP-esque move, but it is extremely hard to do it. Posted by Leviathan on 06:12:2001 05:20 AM: .. Posted by Gunter on 06:12:2001 07:24 AM: The Valle CC looks to be explained pretty well, so I'll just put my two cents in and try to answer the original question. For Ryu, his best CC is c.roundhouse XX Fierce Red FB xN This is his most DAMAGING CC, but I tend not to go for it as I usually get unwanted Fierce DPs. I like to do c.roundhouse XX Roundhouse HK, Short HK x2, Fierce DP. It's nowhere near as good on damage, but it's a safe CC to do. For Dan, his best CC is undoubtedly c.roundhouse XX Roundhouse Gale Kick, Jab DP x2, Roundhouse Gale Kick. The last Gale Kick connects just before the meter runs out, so you're getting the most for your meter. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:03 PM. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.